Wednesday 16 January 2013

The Diet goes on . . .

I've now been dieting for two weeks.  It's been quite a roller coaster ride what with crazy diets and loads of exercise!!!  I weighed on Monday - twelve days in to my diet and I'd lost a total of 9 pounds.  I was really happy with this!!!  Woop woop!!!!!

I haven't found the eating too bad so far but the last two evenings I've given in and had a glass of wine with dinner.  It's really really hard to stop at one.  A lovely cold glass of Makutu Bay!  Who can resist!

 I'm still tracking my calories on my phone. I'm allowed 1155 calories a day.  It's not too hard.  I have cereals for breakfast, egg on toast or tomato soup and a bit of crusty bread for lunch and then whatever I want for dinner with either vanilla yogurt and fruit or jelly for desert.  I snack on apples, tangerines and Rich Tea biscuits.

I am exercising lots though!  This week I've already done loads.  I feel really tired tonight.  My back aches and my left hip is sore but I feel good too.  On Monday evening I ran with my lovely running buddy, Heather.  We ran 4.32 miles.

On Tuesday morning Rich and I did an early gym session.  I did interval training on the bike, resistance work on my legs and bingo wings, core stability/abs work and walking lunges and squats with weights.  Then I swam 30 lengths.

At lunchtime I walked with my good friend Jane and our dogs for about an hour on snowy Cleeve Hill.

Last night I ran again with Heather.  We ran 4.56 miles.  We ran for 50 minutes without stopping.  I track our run on my phone now!  We started running in April 2012.  When we first started we ran 20 steps, walked 20 steps.  I did a ten week beginners course with Cleeve Ladies Running Club.  We never imagined we would be able to run for 50 minutes without stopping.  There have been times when we have thought we would never get any better.  We have hit a plateau and just not been able to move on.  But we have persevered and we are so proud of our progress.

Today, once again, Rich and I did an early gym session.  I didn't want to do any aerobic exercise in the gym because of all the running I had done already this week.  I felt I needed to give my joints a rest so I did more resistance work and abs/lunges/squats, etc.  Then I swam 40 lengths.

This afternoon I walked my dogs for an hour.  When I walk I don't dawdle I walk really quite fast.  Thankfully though, tonight was a no running night.  Chilling in front of the TV watching Gok!!!

Tomorrow evening Heather and I will do a shorter run - about 3 miles.  And on Friday I will probably go to the gym and walk the dogs.  So quite a bit of exercise!  I do rest at the weekend though.  The only thing I might do is walk the dogs.

I have an exciting weekend coming up!!!  Girlie supper at our friend Cath's house on Saturday evening and then a really posh spa day on Sunday.  More details to follow . . .

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