Saturday 5 January 2013

The Diet Update

I've done three full days of dieting and frankly I'm not thin yet!  I've set up the app on my phone and input all my details.  It has then worked out that in order to lose two pounds a week I can consume 1216 calories a day.  It wouldn't allow me to lose more than two pounds a week.

So far it's not been difficult but it is early days!  I ran with my friend Heather on Wednesday and Thursday evening.  Friday was rest day.  I'm going to try to sort gym membership for a couple of months today.  Then the plan is to run three times a week and gym twice a week.  I intend to use the treadmill for a bit of interval training at the gym and also do strength training and swimming.

In my running magazine it says that losing weight is one thing but maintaining it is quite another which we all know to be true.  It offers three tips to keeping the weight off:

1.  Keep exercise levels high
2.  Weigh yourself at least once a week
3.  Be accountable - either by exercising with a friend or join a club or make your goals known to all   your friends

My friend Paola suggested a plan where for 5 days a week you eat whatever you like and for 2 days a week you fast.  Women should only consume between 400 and 500 calories on these two days and men can have 500 to 600 calories.  Lots of people follow this regime but it must be tough on the two days when you fast.

My husband, Rich, is also dieting.  He follows Dr Gundry's Diet.  He did it last year and lost loads of weight very quickly and did maintain it for quite a long time.  Then he got naughty and put weight back on but he's still not as heavy as he was before he started with Dr Gundry.

On Thursday I put the Livestrong app on his phone and we tracked his food for the day.  He ate over 1400 calories.  The app had calculated he should consume 1350 calories but he just continued to follow the rules of Dr Gundry's diet.  He did no exercise.

I on the other hand I consumed 994 calories.  I also burned through exercising  (running and riding) 861 calories.  So my net calories consumed were only 133 calories.

On Thursday morning - just 48 hours into our diet - Rich decided to weigh himself.  He had lost five and a half pounds!  I couldn't believe it.  I didn't expect to have lost anything in two days and he'd lost so much.  I remember this also happened the first time he followed this diet.  The first two weeks are strict and it's meant to kick start your weight loss.

I decided to also weigh myself.  I'd lost one and a quarter pounds.  More than I expected but in comparison to Rich it was kind of insignificant!  I'd eaten less than him and exercised but he'd lost more weight than me.  How unfair is that!!!!

I had resisted Dr Gundry because I know it won't really suit me.  Most of my diet is made up of carbs and that's a no no with Dr G.  I did think that may be I can do the two week "Tear Down Phase" to kick start my weight loss.  I've been reading Dr G's book and the science behind what he's saying is very powerful.  It makes you feel stupid to not follow it but it does banish just about everything I love!!!  Chocolate, cake, white wine, pasta, etc.  I can have gin but no tonic!!!  And that's forever on Dr G's diet!

On Tuesday I am going to start the two week phase.  I'm not sure if I will complete it but I'm going to give it a go!  I can't start on Monday because it's my son's 18th Birthday and we are going out to supper.  I have to have a palm size portion of protein for breakfast, lunch and dinner with leafy green vegetables.  I have to have two snacks of seeds and nuts.  I have to drink 8 - 10 glasses of water a day.  I'm allowed one glass of red wine a day.

The allowed proteins that I like are:

Beef - inc steak, mince, etc.
Pork tenderloin


Yogurt - plain and unsweetened


Bean Sprouts
Carrot - raw only
Sugar Snap peas - not shelled peas


Tea - black, green, white or herbal
Red wine

I am going to find this really hard!  I'm not one of those people who loves eating their greens.  Rich happily tucks into spinach and poached egg for breakfast but it's my worst nightmare!  And note, no fruit allowed.  No bread. Not even a Rich Tea biscuit.  Hell!!!!!  If I don't lose half a stone I will be gutted.

1 comment:

  1. OMG Hon I can't imagine u doing this and surviving to tell the tale!!! But good luck!!! So have u worked out what u ARE gonna eat??!!
