Friday 30 November 2012

The Dresses!!!

Feeling brave this morning after walking the dogs and showering I thought I could delay no longer - I have to try on the dresses and get Rich to take photos.  God help us!  I was scared!  Dresses just don't suit me!  And now you get the living proof!!!  Go on . . . be honest!

Here goes - dress number one:

And now dress number two:

And number three:

And finally number four:

So there you go!  Now over to you!!!!
But I didn't stop there!  I had to take Rich into town for his retirement lunch. ( He's currently flat out on the sofa having drunk red wine, Guinness and Jager Bombs!!!! )  So I decided to wear a skirt!  I must be mad today.

Whilst in town I thought it was only right to have a browse.  I ended up trying loads of things on.  Obviously carried away by the fact that I was brave enough to try the dresses on.  I got led astray by the lovely Hannah - who works in Oasis - giving me a 15% off voucher. I will save my purchases for another day.  I will probably take half of them back anyway!

1 comment:

  1. I like one and two, and four looks cutest and I don't like three, it's too long and not fitted enough.
