Saturday 29 December 2012

Over indulgence!!!

Well Christmas is that time when we all over indulge - in spending, socialising, eating and drinking and under indulge in exercise and fitness!  I have to say I can't wait to start my healthy eating and exercise plan.  I feel so lethargic and fat compared to how I feel when I'm watching what I eat and running regularly!

I missed my evening runs with my running buddy, Heather.  And I've hated feeling so full.  It hasn't stopped me eating though.  We still have loads of chocolate which I feel obliged to eat before 2nd January as that's when I will start my diet!  Also drinking so much wine leaves me feeling not so good.  Not hung over but not as fresh and alert as usual.  I feel like not drinking any more but I know I will!  Especially as we are out on New Year's Eve.  I probably won't even last until then!

Also Ive been haphazard with my beauty regime!  Usually I cleanse, tone and moisturise morning and evening.  I also exfoliate twice a week and put on a face pack once a week.  A lot of that has not been happening over Christmas.  I think it's really important to do that at my age!!!  Lack of beauty regime, unhealthy diet and no exercise is not an ideal combination!  It doesn't make for glowing, youthful skin!

I've been giving my New Year's resolutions some thought and definitely my main one will revolve around diet and exercise.  Heather and I have already resolved to do three 10k races in 2013.  Running is great but it doesn't tone up your bingo wings or your stomach so I need to do something else too.  I was doing Kettlercise earlier in the year which is fabulous but I injured my shoulder and am reluctant to put it under pressure as it was so painful for so long.

I'm on the look out for a cheap gym membership for a couple of months.  I don't want to sign up for a year just to give myself a boost to start the New Year.  Once the nights get lighter and the weather improves (if it ever does!!!) I tend to run more, ride more, walk the dogs more so I don't need on- going gym membership.

It's interesting though looking back at the photos I've posted during the course of this blog.  On some I look reasonably slim and on some I look positively chunky!








DO YOU AGREE???????????

1 comment:

  1. Make sure the 10ks are the same ones I'm doing. The Bristol one is nice and all on the roads, no muddy bits.
    As to your photos mmmm, Julz and I said just this morning about the second to last photo (mustard trousers) 'doesn't Sue look nice in this outfit' TRUE! No flattery. It's true that some clothes will suit one more than others and the lacy dress does look especially sweet but I think it's how the clothes make you look rather than an ever changing shape.
    We all feel lethargic at this time of year and we need food and drink to wake us up!
    Let's hope we get better weather this year, it's been a total wash out!!
